September 20, 2010


Lights and Crowd

Maybe I really am the weird type of person who likes to write posts and then delete them after some time. I don't remember how many times I've tried to maintain this blog to document what's been happening in my life because every attempt just leads to me starting all over again. For one thing, I like beginnings. I always like starting afresh. If life had a "restart" button I must have pressed it enough times to keep getting back at the start, but only if I could retain everything that I've learned and experienced and meet the same people again. Or maybe not everyone, just those I want to keep.

Moving on.

They say every end is a new beginning. Well, tomorrow is the start of a new beginning, as I'm about to spend the last days at my first job. It has been a very exciting year for me there. So many highs, so many lows and in-betweens. It was a big bowl of experiences kept getting tossed at me. Not complaining! It may have been "harsh" at times but we need harsh in our lives because mollycoddling never helped anyone. In the end, we all just have to look at what we've gained which is much more than what we've lost. Most of the time.

Now I don't know where I'm headed after this but I'm ready for another show. The lights. The crowd. The cheers, and even the boos. As David Bowie once said, "I don't know where I'm going from here, but I promise it won't be boring." Oh, wish me all the good things.

Bonne chance!

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